Friday, July 21, 2023

July 12

Another hot day, but I’m sure that was already known. It’s miserable. We are hanging in there though. That’s summer in West Texas. 

I still cannot figure out why the chickens refuse to get under the fan. It’s hot and they have access to two fans so why do they not use them?? It makes no sense to me. 

The little chicks are sure growing fast. It makes me smile to see them thriving. It’s like they get bigger every day. I bet they do actually. 

I noticed Willow and Noma were in the shelter utilizing the fan. I am glad to see that. 

The chickens have found another spot to lay eggs. I found a clutch of them under the lawn mower. 

Willow is definitely becoming spoiled, but that’s okay. She needs to be. She will never have a day in her life where she is not loved. A lot of animals cannot have that, but she can. 

I looked out today and noticed Jeb is changing colors. One day he is a black horse and the next he is turning brown. It’s kinda weird. 

The sky was so beautiful tonight. It’s usually beautiful but some days just take my breath away. 

Willow decided she wanted to follow me and be cute and cuddly. I sure do love that. 

There is a storm coming in. The clouds were rolling in and there was lots of lightning. The lightening has been coming more and more. It’s beautiful but can be scary. 

I figured out tonight Ursula does not like storms. Poor girl. She curled up next me and refused to move. 

Even when the storms of life are coming and it’s scary, there is still light in the storm. 

Word of the day is light. John 1:5

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