Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11

Well, it did rain last night. It stormed. The lightening and thunder kept me up most of the night. That storm did not cool things off. It was still 104 today. The wind was blowing, so that’s positive. 

Ronnie was already half finished with feeding and watering when I got home. I was grateful. It was hot. 

Mattie is still mad but might be calming down. 

Willow is coming out of her shell. 

I sprayed all the animals I could spray down to cool off. Jeb has decided it’s not so bad. The cows still hate it. 

Ernestine is still giving me crazy looks when I come close. I think I’m just going to leave her alone and stop trying to help her. She is doing okay. She just doesn’t seem happy. 

The pigs are thriving. 

Noma let me feed her some hay. 
I looked out the window later and saw all the horses in the barn. Warmed my heart seeing that. They know where home is. 

Then I look out and see Noma and Willow eating from the hay bale. Noma is teaching Willow all she needs to know. 

I then kept hearing the baby chicks. I looked out the window to see what was going on. One of the chicks was calling them all to roost. The chick was standing on our tiller and calling away. The rest of them were all in a line to go to roost. That is until they got there and they got confused and started going everywhere. I’m sure they will find their spot. 

I then start to go inside and all three cats are at the door waiting for me, or watching the other cats. It’s a toss up to what they were doing. 

This place really does make my life more positive. Some days I just have to see through the mud and be positive. 
Word of the day is positive. Psalm 18:2

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