Monday, July 3, 2023

July 1

The weather was perfect. I think that was a God thing. The weather was cloud cover Al day and it was in the 80s. That was bearable for the family being here. My dad cannot handle the heat and this way he could see the animals and hang out with us outside. 

First thing in the morning, a farrier came out to trim Pete’s hooves. He was laying down more. His hooves were awful. I knew that. I finally found someone willing to come out. When I say it took 3 grown men to handle that donkey, that is not an exaggeration. That was a rodeo. It was terrible. It was necessary and I’m glad it’s done, but it was no fun for anyone. I hav the guy a huge tip. He deserved it. I feel bad when Pete gets trimmed again. Let me put it this way, Pete broke a post in half from fighting so much. I felt bad for him, but it was needed and I am glad it was done. He was waking better anyway. 

I noticed Jelly has an injury to his foot. It looked bad, but later that night it looked like it had scabbed over. I will watch it. 
The family got to hang out on the farm and see all the animals. Tanner got to hunt for eggs which is his favorite thing to do. It was a good time. All the animals enjoyed the extra attention. 

Makenzie kissed a pig which I never thought would happen. 

Sebastian of course got to love on Jeb. 

Tanner was able to get in the pen with Willow who is his birthday buddy. 

Mom got to get close to Brutus who is her favorite. 

I got a funny photo of my dad and Mattie. It might be my favorite. 

My mom has wanted a cactus we have out front. It’s called the horse crippling cactus. I sent her a cactus which I thought that’s what it was, but that was a barrel cactus, not the same thing. I found a small one growing and repotted it for her and a prickly pear cactus. Well, they both died in the 110 degree heat for two days. They were too small to survive. I was a little upset because I knew how much she wanted one. As we were pulling some weeds, there sat a small, healthy one. Oh we were excited. Kenzie was able to get it out at the root and we put it in another pot. She also got one that was unique that we got out of the ground. That might have been worth the trip for her. She has a green thumb, I do not, so hopefully it will grow. 

After they left, I went to check on Pete. Let’s just say he is super mad at me and wanted nothing to do with me. Hopefully he gets over it soon. 

Word of the day is family. Psalm 133:1

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