Friday, July 21, 2023

July 21

Oh today was fantastic weather. Never in my life would I have thought 97 was fantastic, but it was. The wind was blowing and it was nice. Yeah, still hot but not near as bad. 

I was relaxing today and reading a book this morning. I had the bright idea to bring Persia in there with Ursula. It went okay for a bit, until Ursula saw Persia. They there was all kinds of hissing and stuff, so I put Persia back out of the bedroom. Ursula was not happy with me for a little while, but then she got over it. 

I found a new spot the chicks are hanging out. They are so funny to watch. I have never had a clutch with so many that have survived. We only lost one out of the whole clutch. That’s amazing. Chloe was a fantastic momma hen. 

I noticed today, we are about to have a black widow problem in the well house, so that is on the to do list tomorrow. There are 5 living in the well house and each of them has an egg sack. It makes me cringe to think about. Again, it’s on the to do list for tomorrow. 

The pigs are all doing well and love all their mud holes. I’m so glad they are so happy. 

Yeller is looking better today. I’m grateful for that. He may have just gotten too hot or something. He was normal today. 

Tinkerbelle is feeling much better. She even ran out the pen today like she used to. It sure made me happy to see that. It’s been way too long. 

Willow is so friendly. She craves the attention from us. She walks right toward me and Ronnie. It’s so fun to watch her. She is learning. 

We have had some trouble keeping weight on some of the horses this summer. They are not used to this heat. We are feeding them alfalfa in the mornings and high protein feed in the evenings. Ronnie brought home alfalfa cubes tonight and gave them some for some extra nutrients. They loved it. 

Chief was starting to act rude and take all the cubes, so Ronnie had to stand there to intervene. While he was standing there, Willow came up behind Ronnie. She has quite the personality.

I did give Mattie, Willow, and Noma an alfalfa cube, it’s too high in fat and sugar for them to have much of it, but it was like giving them a treat. 

Willow and Noma are so cute eating hay. They have a sweet little mother and daughter relationship. I love watching them. 

I was finishing up my laundry earlier and Ursula decided to lay all over it. Good thing she is cute. 

Word of the day is happy. Psalm 16:11

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