Sunday, July 2, 2023

June 29

It was still hot today. 102 was the high. There was a breeze and none of the animals seemed bothered by the heat. I was cleaning and doing things that needed to be done since we had company coming. I went to check on the animals several times throughout the day and they were all fine. The cows and Mattie were standing by the fan in the middle of the day though. Everyone else was just doing their thing. 

I did catch a rare sighting of Willow nursing. Noma is not letting her nurse as much, especially in front of people, but she is still nursing. She is a healthy little donkey. 

I did come around the corner too fast and scared Cinderella. I hate when that happens. She fainted in a hurry. It did not last long. I went in to comfort her. I felt bad. She does not normally do that because she knows she is safe here. 

Tinkerbelle is feeling better. She is mad at us from giving her all those shots, but she is doing better. I was nervous for a bit. She is a sweet little thing. She does struggle getting around a lot and that makes me sad. I think it’s from all the fainting. Their joints get arthritis or something from seizing up like they do. She does not faint much anymore and I’m glad about that. 

I caught Wheezy sitting on eggs again. That girl is a mess. I got the eggs from her and she was so mad. I picked her up and cuddled her. She ended up talking to me and got up on my shoulder. I guess she decided she was not mad anymore. 

We got Sebastian today. Ronnie bought him a water trough for him to swim in. That’s so funny to me but he loved it. 

I caught the cats literally laying down with the chickens. I had to do a double take but it was so funny. They all seemed relaxed so that’s a good thing. 

Ned was so happy today. He came to the fence and gave me some smiles. I sure do love that donkey. 

It was a beautiful evening. I went out to take pictures and noticed chickens way up in the bush in the front. As I looked closer, the baby chicks were roosting up in the bush also. That was a nice sight to see. 

I received a call today that blew me away. I have been looking for a farrier for so long. The ones that come out, they quit or whatever. I know it’s not easy to deal with these animals. They are not willing to deal with people for whatever reason. The call I got was from someone looking for clients. I couldn’t believe it. I was so grateful. These guys need some help. I was getting frustrated and did not know what to do. I have one coming Saturday for Pete and the other one is coming in a week. I was trying to take things into my own hands. Once I started praying about it and trusting God would take care of things, things started moving. That’s what we all need to do even when it’s hard. 

I also had what I think was that baby bird I saved from the cats fly right by my head. I truly do think it is that baby and that’s another answer to prayer. 

Word of the day is trust. Proverbs 16:3

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