Monday, July 10, 2023

July 9

Today was about the same as yesterday. Ronnie has been sick for a week and is still sick, so we rested this weekend. We needed it desperately. 

I let the sheep and goats out again. I do think they are enjoying the freedom. I think they deserve to be out and running around. They got further away from the pens today. They are getting more comfortable since Mattie is in the pen and cannot get out. 
When it came time to feed, the sheep just went in with goats. I had to coax them out of there. 

The goats had come back to the pen when they got tired. They were relaxing until I came out. 

When I let the goats and sheep out, Willow went over to say hello and then ran off. She just has no interest. 

Noma is glad to be out of the pen, but she is still laying down a lot. She seems relaxed. She just does not have much energy anymore. 

Because Noma is laying down more, Willow is exploring. She is watching the other donkeys, the cows, the horses. She seems to be taking it all in and figuring out what is going on around her. She is getting closer to the cows. She may not be too scared of them anymore. 

When I fed Maggie, I went over to get them water and here comes Maggie back over to me. I couldn’t figure out what she was doing. I look over at her bowl and a chicken was eating her food. I ran her off so Maggie could eat. She was tattling and it was funny. Maggie never did eat this morning and Daisy laid beside her for comfort and encouragement. 

Willow did take a liking to the other donkeys. She was next to the fence with them often today. 

Mattie is depressed and I know it. Him being in a pen won’t be for long. We have to work with him. He is not being cooperative right now because he is mad and depressed so we will take it one day at a time. I did spend some time with him today. 

I did spend a little time with Willow today. It’s funny, I remember doing that with Mattie when he was her age as well. 

Word of the day is relaxing. Mark 6:31

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