Friday, July 21, 2023

July 19

It was another hot day. It was a high of 106. That’s ridiculous hot, but that’s West Texas for you. 

The animals are doing their best to stay cool and conserve the energy they have. They know what they need to do and they do it well. 

I was able to spend some time with the donkeys today. It’s obvious Pedro and Red have been okay fighting again. They both have cuts and scrapes on them. Oh well, at least they love each other most of the time. 

Gloria is still wondering around sad and lonely. It breaks my heart to see her that way. I wish there was something I could do for her. 

Noma did come close to me today. She still does not really like to come close to me, but she will every once in a while. 

Willow is still a gorgeous girl and I think she knows that. She is just a blessing from day one. 

Somehow the back door came opened again. You have to slam the door and I hate to do that, so I guess I did not slam it. When I saw it, Persia was on the porch and Oreo was starting to come outside but when they saw me, they both ran back inside. 

Maggie has decided she does not like to stay in the backyard when she is finished eating, so she has figured out a way to get out of there so she can go in the house. Smart dog, but it’s not like I leave them out longer than half an hour when it’s this hot. 
Sometimes these animals have a mind of their own and do not like instructions. Sound familiar?? We all are like that sometimes. 
Word of the day is instructions. Proverbs 19:20

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