Friday, July 21, 2023

July 18

Well, the air conditioning got fixed today. We take those things for granted. I’m so glad it’s fixed. It was 108 today and that’s miserable. 
Once the air conditioning people left, I was in the back of the house. When I came back, the back door was opened and I could not find Persia. I went to look for her outside, but could not find her. I came back in and then had to go back out. Turns out, she was inside the whole time. 

I did not stay out too long today because it was so hot. All the animals are doing well. 
The horses got sprayed down which they love and I enjoy watching how much they love it. 
Most of the animals were laying around and trying to conserve their energy since it was so hot. I cannot say I blame them. It’s just miserable out there. 
Words of the day is taking things for granted. Proverbs 21:16

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