Friday, July 21, 2023

July 14

You guessed it, another hot day. I’m trying to embrace the heat. It won’t be here forever. It’s all good. 

The horses have a new routine with getting alfalfa in the mornings. They line up at the fence. They get new routines down quickly. They are smart as can be. 

I came home and Ronnie was already home feeding and watering. I love when that happens. I was running late since I’m leaving town in the morning. 

When I saw what was going on, Ronnie was dealing with another deceased chicken. Oh my heart, it was sally. That makes me so sad. She was one of the chickens that was here when we moved here. This time it was not the heat. She had been attacked by something, probably a hawk since I have seen one in the area. It looked like she tried to seek shelter with Mattie, but now that Mattie is in a pen and protective of his area, he killed Sally. Oh my heart is so broken. Sally’s best friend Gloria is walking around with sadness also. The whole situation is just awful. These are days where the farm is just hard. 

Mattie loves Willow. She hangs out by his pen and they play a bit. I hope one day they will be able to play without the fence, but it may be a bit until that happens. 

The animals are all hanging in there with the heat. I know it’s rough on them. It’s rough on all of us. 

Tinkerbelle is still not doing too well, but I’m hoping she gets better. We are giving her minerals and other stuff she needs to start feeling better. 

Willow sees the other donkeys and she runs to the fence. She is interested in hanging out with them. They seem to like her also.

Willow has also decided she likes to follow me around. Secretly I love that. Mattie used to do that also. It’s so cute and it shows she trust me. 

The chicks crack me up. They huddle around by the water bowl when it’s hot. 

So days are just hard when animals pass away. It takes time to get over that and we grieve for them all. It makes things hard, but we keep moving forward for all the other animals who need us. 

Word of the day is grief. Matthew 5:4

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