Friday, July 21, 2023

July 17

I made it home today. Yay!! Ronnie did warn me on the way home the air conditioner was not working properly. He was able to rig it up to keep it cool but it was still a little warm. That’s okay, they are coming to fix it tomorrow. 
The drive was long, but I made it in good time. I really hate that drive. It’s hard to leave Arkansas after I get there. I belong in Texas now and I know that. It’s just hard being away from everyone. But, we had a good visit and it’s good to be home. 
The animals were all happy to see me. That’s always a nice thing to see. They do miss me when I’m gone. I was not able to stay out there too long today because of exhaustion and the heat did not help. I did get to see all the animals though, so that’s a plus. 

Takua greeted me as soon as I got out of the car. How sweet is that?

The donkeys did surround me when I got into the pasture. I sure do love them. 

I got a photo of Pedro and Willow. He cannot deny her that’s for sure. They are cute. 

I did see some of the chickens under the fan today. That was good to see. 

Ursula is sure happy I am home. She will not leave my side. 

Word of the day is home. Hebrews 3:4

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