Friday, July 21, 2023

July 13

Oh it’s another super hot day. I know it’s to be expected but goodness it’s hot. I know before long it will be cold and that won’t be fun either. I can do the heat better than the cold for some reason. 

I saw Willow through the window running back and forth by the fence with the goats. It is cute to watch. I hope next time I let the goats out, she will want to play with them. 

I did find another chicken that had passed away. Julia looked like she was trying to lay an egg and got too hot. I was shocked to see Lester the rooster protecting her little body. I mean that was sad to see but amazing that he would do that. He is a good rooster. 

Ronnie got the joy of spraying the animals down. I do find it fun to spray them down since they love it so much. 

I also noticed Yeller hanging out in front of the house with the chickens by the water bowl. I’m glad they can get along. 

It’s nice to see the animals are protective of each other around here. 

Word of the day is protective. Psalm 34:7

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