Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 7

It was 95 degrees today, but looks like rain coming in, so it was breezy. The afternoon did not go as planned. I needed new tires and an oil change. We spend so much time and money on the animals and giving them everything they need, sometimes we do not take time or money to take care of ourselves. It’s hard to do it all, but self care is important and doing what we need to for ourselves is okay. 

Mattie seems a little depressed in the pen. I don’t blame him, but we are going to work with him and he will be out of there in no time. 

I watched Willow for a long time tonight. She is in a new world being out of the pen. She acts like she wants to go back in there. She felt safe in there. That was her home. Watching her figuring out her new life is interesting. She slurps her water. She is learning to bray and doing it more. She is learning to eat grass. She is getting away from Noma more. She is scared of the chickens and scared of the cows but she will learn. She still isn’t sure what’s going on but she will get used to it. 

Noma is much happier eating grass and being able to stretch her legs. 

Word of the day is learning. Proverbs 18:5

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