Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 21

This morning, the hay we bought was delivered. Let me tell you, that’s exciting stuff for us. We have needed it so badly and been unable to find it. We finally found some. It’s a blessing that we have been able to afford it. It’s horrible with the prices. However, we have 18 bales of hay for these horses. That’s amazing. 

I witnessed the cows and donkeys playing nice over the hay bale in their pasture. That’s nice to see. 

I watched the chicks around Yeller this morning. That is a funny scene to watch. At least no one was hurt. They seemed like they were getting along. 

When I came home, Jelly was home. I love to see him at home. I wish he would stay home all the time, but he has a free spirit. 

The pigs are all doing well. I’m so glad. They sure are not complaining for sure. 

Chief is still having eye trouble. I have no idea what to do for him. I really don’t think he can see out of that eye. He is keeping it closed most of the time and it’s still draining quite a bit.  

Jasper was eating from where Noma and Willow usually eat. When he saw me coming, he walked away and he looked back at me with this guilty look. 

Ronnie put a hay bale out for the horses and they were so excited. They also got a new mineral bale. They had a good night. 

Word of the day is blessing. Proverbs 22:9

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