Sunday, September 3, 2023

August 27

Today was not too terrible. The temp was much better. That makes me so happy. We have been praying for that. 
I saw Yeller laying in the hiding spot the chicken are usually in. He is so cute. 

Jelly, Yeller, and Onyx all came in to eat while we were feeding. I know they are eating, but they are so skinny. I know it’s because it’s been so hot out. 

Mattie scared me a bit when I went outside. I think the animals all do it to me on purpose. When they are laying on their side not moving it terrifies me. When he heard the gate, he lifted his head. He was fine. 

Chief is starting to open that eye more. It’s still foggy but it is looking better. I hope he is okay. I wish I knew what happened to him. I wish I knew what to do for him. As I watched him later, his eye is always closed when he is eating. I just don’t know. 

It must be rut season for goats or something. Lucky stinks so bad. He is our only uncut male. 

Cinderella let me pet her again. Let me might be a strong word, but I did get to pet her. Later I saw her with string in her mouth and had to get it from her. I was able to do that. 

It is working better with Takua having his own bowl. Him and Jeb have bowls right beside each other and they share one bowl and go to the other. It’s funny to watch. 

Willow comes to visit Mattie often. Noma came over to visit today also. It’s a sweet little family. 

The cows are not as happy as they have been lately. I don’t know what’s going on with them. I’m sure it’s the weather lately. 

Ronnie did some grilling outside and left the tongs outside. Jelly found the tongs and whatever was on there, he ate it. 

Word of the day is visiting. Hebrews 3:2

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