Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 11

The cooler temps are finally here. I’m so excited. It also looks like the rain is coming in. We need it so badly. 

I went by a patient’s house today and saw a cute little stray dog. They have been taking care of him, but he is so scared of humans. It makes me so sad humans can discard an animal the way they do. 

I saw Willow nursing again today. I thought Noma was weaning. Apparently not. 

Yeller is running around going anywhere and everywhere these days. He is not scared of any of the other animals. He just does what he wants. 

Takua and Saverine came to get some petting today. They don’t do it often, but when they do, I comply and pet them. 

Jasper still won’t get near me. He is so mad. I don’t like shots either but shouldn’t he know by now we aren’t trying to hurt him. We are trying to help him. 

The pigs are still doing well. No problems there. They are happy and healthy. 

Willow was jealous of all the attention the other animals were getting, so she stood next to me until I gave her the attention she wanted. Then Noma wanted some attention, so I had to give her attention, too. 

Mattie got some attention also. He was cute rolling around. I went over and he jumped up to get petted. 

I went out later and there was lightning all around us and the clouds were closing in. I’m sure it’s going to rain. 

When I was coming inside, Onyx tried her best to come in the house with me. 

Word of the day is rain. Isaiah 45:8

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