Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 28

I had an interesting thing happen on a home health visit. One of the patient’s dogs had a porcupine needle in her face. I was able to help her get it out. I have never done that before. It was interesting. The dog felt better after that. 

The donkeys and goats are loving the green grass and the cooler weather. They were all about being loved on today. They really are entertaining. 

The sheep that is escaping is Ted. He was able to get out again. Once they know how to get out, they will continue to get out. He only left his pen for feeding time. Ronnie had to put up more fencing to keep him in. 
The other animals are all doing fine. I was really late from work today and Ronnie had finished the feeding and watering. I was grateful for that. 

Word of the day is escaping. Luke 21:36

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