Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 12

It was another rainy morning. I’m sure not complaining. We need it. 

Jelly was following me around today. I sure do love that. I miss him when he isn’t home. 

I noticed sitting on the roost I only have 2 mean hens left. The other ones have passed away. It’s a sad thought. 

I did see Ernestine eating with the fainting goats today. She feels safe in there, so I’m glad she was with them. 

Spots came by to see me today. That horse is so beautiful. I’m glad she is finally opening up and coming around us more. 

The horses are all beautiful and they are starting to look better with all the hay.

It did start raining while we were feeding a little. The animals are fast and then went into their shelters. I did not blame them.

I did try to trick Jasper with some antibiotics in feed today. He was too smart for that and refused to eat it. He is not having it. I wish he would stop it. 

I noticed today Chief’s eye is complete healed and he does not have any vision problems. He is good. 

The pigs are still good. They are enjoying the cooler weather. 

The goats on both sides of the pasture are smart. They all went into shelters when it started raining. 

Word of the day is persistence. Luke 11:8

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