Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 22

The weather is hotter again. I’m not loving that, but it’s okay. It is what it is. I know one of these days I am going to not love the cold. It looks like it is going to be a wet and cold winter. I do not look forward to that, but we need the wet around here. 

Yeller was staying cooler in the dirt this afternoon. He is the absolute cutest. 

Red sure wanted some attention today and once I gave him some attention, he followed me around. 

The donkeys are doing so well. They are loving the green grass growing. 

As I was feeding, I started hearing one of the pigs screaming. That pig continued screaming. I had no idea what was happening. I started to panic. I thought something was wrong. Then I see Willow sticking her head in the pig pen and the pigs did not appreciate it. Once she walked away, they stopped screaming. 

Yeller was loving the dirt. He found another spot in the dirt to lay in. He is precious. 

Lucky is in rut. It’s that time of year. He is the only uncut goat we have. Tinkerbelle can smell him and she going crazy yelling at him from her pen. I feel bad for her, but not bad enough to breed her. 

Jasper is doing the same. He is acting more normal. That’s good news. 

Word of the day is despair. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

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