Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September 2

It was warmer today than it has been this week. It was not as bad as it has been, but it was hot. 
The horses were all hanging out together today. I went over to pet them and love on them. 

Takua is really looking better. I am relieved. 

Persia can sleep anywhere. She was on rags and a box of cokes and sound asleep. 

Maggie is not doing good. She had a bad day today. It takes a toll on all of us to see that. I’m hoping tomorrow is better. Today was a bad day. 

Jeb and Chief were eating together again. I have no idea what that is about. 

Jasper is still swollen. It’s hard in there. It’s like the size of a cantaloupe. I took some pictures and someone Ronnie talked to said it looks like an abscess. I’m the only one that can get close to him, so if that’s the case, I may have to drain it. That makes me nervous. 

Noma is still trying to wean Willow. Willow is still not having it. She is still trying to nurse. I saw Noma kick her right in the face trying to get her off of her. 

Well, dove season started today and so people all around us were hunting. The animals were extremely nervous with all the gun shots. Mattie and Willow were running constantly. The horses started in also. There was nothing I could do, but they were extremely upset.

Word of the day is nervous. 1 Corinthians 7:32

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