Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 16

We had a bad storm come through in the early morning hours. It woke me up it was so loud. There was a lot of rain, thunder, and lightning. We did have branches and stuff down. We needed the rain, so I’m not going to complain. 

The donkeys are cleaning up the branches for us. They are eating them. All the donkeys are eating on them. Once the leaves are off we will move the branches. I am letting them enjoy the foraging. 

The shop did flood, there is stuff everywhere and the cats are not real happy about that, but it will be okay. 

I watched Bubba today sitting on the counter, more like laying across the counter where he is not supposed to be enjoying the steam coming off the dishwasher. I had to laugh about that. I have never seen him do that. 

Oreo and Bubba apparently liked the clean laundry, too, so they were all over that. It’s a good thing they are cute. 

Daisy wanted to drink out of the muddy rain water. What do you do about that? It won’t hurt her, but she has water in a bowl. She cracks me up. 

The little goats were trying to steal the cow feed again. It’s funny to me watching them. The cows do not even seemed bothered by it. 

Surprise moment, Noma let Ronnie get close to her today. I have not seen that before. Willow is helping her out I think. It’s weird though because Mattie is loving like Willow, but Noma was still reserved when he was a baby. She is opening up more theses day. I’m grateful.

Jelly came home today. I sure do relax when I see him. 

Maggie was not having a good day and was taking time to eat, so her friends gathered around her to encourage her to eat, and she did. 

Ronnie put out another hay bale and the horses all switched places while eating for some reason. They were excited to have more hay. 

Jasper is still looking rough to me. He is still not cooperating with antibiotics. He is driving me crazy with all that. He does not act sick at all. I just don’t know. 

The pigs looked all clean, like the rain washed away the dirt and grime. 

The sunshades in one pen had fallen down, so I went out to put them back up. Gus did not help out, he wanted to stand on the sunshade. 

Spam let me love on her. She was enjoying that. Treat was not so happy about it. 

Ronnie and I struggled to get them a mud hole going and because of the storm, the shelter was full of mud. I know they were not complaining but it looked like they were making a hole to sleep in overnight outside the shelter. If it does not dry up today, I will move the shelter for them. 

Word of the day is love. Romans 12:9-10

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