Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 25

The weather was gorgeous yesterday. 
I don’t know what is going on with Chloe, but she is trying to stay away from one of the roosters and she ends up in weird spots. She is a hot mess right now. 

The dogs were all up moving around in the yard today because the weather was so beautiful. I love to see that. 

Jasper does not seem much better. His knots are still there. Ronnie is going to call the vet. He is still eating and drinking and is moving normally, but those knots are not getting smaller.

We have devil’s claw out here all over the pasture. Porky was playing with one of them. I tried to get it from him but he finally dropped it. 

Spots was hiding for some reason in the barn. I started to automatically get concerned and Ronnie said she was fine. She came out a few minutes after that. 

Willow is still fascinated with the pigs and the pigs are still frustrated about it. They at least are not screaming at her anymore. That’s a plus. 

Willow did not want to have anything to do with us today. She is still mad at us. She will get over it though. 
I watched Onyx and Daisy being tolerant of each other. Who said cats and dogs cannot get along?? 

Word of the day is frustration. Jonah 4:4

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