Sunday, September 3, 2023

August 29

I saw all the cats at home this afternoon and they were all eating together. It warms my heart when I see them together. 

There are so many chickens here again. I noticed them all grouped together eating and it looked like chaos. 

I love to see the animals out in the pasture. It does my heart some good to see. They seem so happy. 

Chief’s eye is starting to look better. It is still draining and he does not keep it opened often, but it is better. 

I saw Ronnie spending a few minutes with his horse. They do have a bond. 

Mattie still seems to be enjoying his solitude. He gets to eat all his own food and doesn’t have to mess with the cows. He has not acted like he was upset about it. I’m ready to get him out of there though. I don’t like it, but he is fine. 

Jeb started throwing his feed out while he is eating again. The chickens were enjoying that until he ran them off. I had to laugh about that. 

Takua is back to eating with the girls. He may have just not liked the stuff we were adding for more protein. Once we stopped that, he went back to eating with them. 

I was able to love on Chief tonight. He is such a loving horse. I love to pet on him. 

Noma let me pet her again today. Willow got jealous and had to get in the middle of it. That made me laugh. 

Willow is a mess and has a hundred different faces. She is entertaining. 

Noma is trying to wean Willow and Willow had to go pout. She is not happy about it and Noma is doing her best to get her weaned. Willow is not giving up on nursing. 

Tinkerbelle is loving her retirement. She is such a happy girl. 

Word of the day is growing up. Proverbs 22:6

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