Friday, September 29, 2023

September 26

The baby chicks are all grown up and most of them stick together most of the time. They are something to watch. That make me laugh. 

Maggie is not feeling that great lately. We did a phot shoot today. I don’t know how much longer I have with this baby.

Lucky took a play out of Hercules’ book and decided to eat the the chicken feed. Lester helped him. 

There is green grass again and the donkeys and goats are happy about it. It sure does make things look prettier, too. 

Athena was hiding in the grass. Daisy and Sonny were walking by her and she did not move. That was funny to watch. 

Chloe is still going nuts. She is squawking away sitting on the fence. I mean if she would be quiet, she probably wouldn’t be seen as much. 

Jasper and Alex are still inseparable. Jasper seems to feel better but Alex will not leave his side. It’s sweet to see. 

Willow is not mad at us anymore. She is back to normal with being lovey and wanting attention. I loved on her for sure. I’m glad she is not mad anymore. 

Willow was loving on Mattie through the fence today. They are cute. 

Jeb is still slinging food out of his bowl. I still don’t understand that. 

Chloe was over in the pasture eating ants. I have never watched them eat ants. It was an interesting sight. 

Ronnie got out the fly spray. The animals hate that. We tricked them with treats for the most part but they were not happy about the spray. They did get sprayed though. 

Jasper was feeling good enough to chase me around the pasture for more treats. I laughed so hard at him, after I was safe and away from him. He got plenty of treats though. 

The sheep and goats all got treats also. They love them, too. 

Jelly was in his spot tonight. I am happy to see him home.

Word of the day is kindness. 1 Samuel 20:14

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