Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September 3

Most Sundays I do laundry, pay bills, catch up on paperwork, and try to relax. I was able to relax some today and do some writing. I need that every week. I also did some stuff for the walk coming up this weekend. 
The animals were all doing fine this evening. It was hot out, but they were all fine. 

Jasper looked a little better, but whatever is in his neck, I’m praying about it. I’m hoping it will go away on its own. I don’t want to have to drain an abscess and I am praying he does not have a goiter. It’s stressful. 

Jeb has some weird skin thing going on right now. I have no idea what that is about. 

Noma let me pet her again. I think we are making good progress. 

Bubba loves Ronnie so much and has to be next to him at all times. 

Oreo got inside the bedroom with Ursula. Apparently he is scared of her because he just rolled over while she was slapping him. 

Word of the day is progress. Job 17:9

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