Sunday, September 3, 2023

August 28

Oh Ursula, she is such a brat some days. Lately she has been pulling down the curtains right before my alarm goes off. That’s aggravating, but I sure do love her. 

It was another beautiful morning here in west Texas. The sunrises are beautiful and so are the sunsets. 

I saw Pete today. He is getting friendlier. I did notice today Willow looks so much like Pete. They could be twins. They are half siblings. 

Pedro and Red are still fighting. I know donkeys do that. This time it was over my attention, again. They can make me crazy. 

Yeller sure has made this his home and I love that so much. He is such a sweet cat. He is terrified of all humans, except me. I am his person. When I pick him him, he just melts into me. It is so sweet. 

Jelly has been more comfortable in the backyard with the dogs. Every time I see him in the backyard, I think back to my ER visit from Jelly because he was terrified of the dogs. 

The animals make this place such a beautiful place to be. I love them being here. 

The pigs are all still doing well. No complaints from them. They seem happy. 

Jasper is acting off. I’m going to have to keep my eye on him. 

Word of the day is home. Proverbs 24:3-4

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