Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September 1

The moon was still out this morning. It was still pretty up in the sky. 

I was able to spray the horses tonight. They still love that and will fight over the hose. I watched Saverine bite Spots to get out of the way. 

I have been able to love on Saverine and Spots. When they first got here, I would have never thought that would have happened. They wanted nothing to do with us. Things have changed. They seem to love us now. 

I noticed Jasper has a very swollen neck. He has an area that is hard. It cannot be comfortable. Ronnie thought it might be a goiter. I have no idea. I just know it needs to be taken care of. No wonder he has been acting funny and like he does not feel good. 

Ned was working on eating some chicken feed. They all try to eat the chicken feed when I put it out over there. I don’t do it all the time. 

Noma let me pet her again. I think we are making some progress these days. 

Pepper is still not feeling too well. She has her good days and her bad. Today was a good day for her. 

Ronnie sure does take care of those pigs. Back in Arkansas he did not deal with the pigs much, but now he does just about every day. 

Willow demanded attention from Ronnie again tonight. She is so confident about it. He makes sure to give her the attention she wants. 

For some reason Chief has not been as hostile about feed. Him and Jeb were eating together tonight. I haven’t seen that in a long time. 

The donkeys and goats looked like they were all hanging out together tonight. I know they do that all the time, but I remember a time when the donkeys hated the goats and tried to chase them down. That doesn’t happen anymore. 

Tinkerbelle is just loving life. Her favorite place is under the sunshade. It’s hilarious to watch her. 

Ronnie put out a new hay bale for the cows. They did not put on a production like they normally do, but it’s probably because Jasper is not feeling well. 

The horses also got a new hay bale. They were excited and did not wait for the bale to get off the tractor before eating in it. 

Word of the day is enjoyment. Ecclesiastes 8:15

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