Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 23

I watched Willow and Pedro walking the fence line together today. They are sweet. 

I walked out to check on the pigs and they knew I was coming. They all lined up by the fence to say hello. 

Willow is still trying to aggravate the pigs. That makes me laugh. 

Willow continues to follow me around the pasture. She is something else. 

I had a volunteer here today. While she was distracting Willow, I got a halter halfway on her. She ran off before I could get it clipped. She got all the donkeys upset. I thought one of the animals were in heat or something the way Mattie was acting, but no, Willow was mad so everyone else was upset, too. I did get her halter clipped finally. Once she calmed down, the other donkeys calmed down. She is cute with her pink halter on.

The cows were relaxing under the fan in their shed today instead of hanging out in the heat. 

I do have a chicken laying in a weird spot these days. She is definitely laying in a private spot.

It was a hot day and the pigs were loving the mud today. 

The pigs sure do love each other. I love to see their relationships. 

I had some friends over today and they were enjoying the animals. That is always nice to see. 

I had a chicken trying to get the dog food. That is dangerous for the chicken. She never did get close enough to try though. 

Hercules was eating with the chickens again. I find that funny, but I’m glad the all get along. 

Poor Tinkerbelle is so miserable. She has cried out all day. I feel bad for her, but I know she will stop it eventually.

Noma has been trying to wean Willow, but she seems to have given that up. While Willow was nursing earlier, Noma is so tired, she just gave up and rested her head on Willow as she nursed. 

Alex knows Jasper has not been feeling like himself. He was showing Jasper some compassion this evening. 

The chickens are still roosting in the dead tree out front at night. It still makes me laugh. 

The sunset was beautiful tonight. 

Word of the day is bonded. Acts 4:32

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