Monday, September 18, 2023

September 17

I walk outside and the chickens are already eating. I was a tad confused because I normally feed the chickens. I asked Ronnie about it and he said he had to feed them because they were following him. I had to laugh. That was so funny. They can get a little aggressive with wanting their food. 

My tricks with Jasper have paid off a bit. He did get an antibiotic tonight. I’m so glad. He does not act sick at all and the knot looks to be getting smaller, so that’s all good news. 

The dogs were enjoying the weather this evening. They were not trying to rush us to go back inside. 

Jeb is so weird. He has a perfectly nice bowl to eat out of but he insists on throwing out the food onto the ground and then eating it, I don’t know what to do with him. 

The pigs might be the easiest animal. They are all so happy. They are not complaining. The mud did dry in the shelter, so they are all good. It’s almost time to get some straw for them. We may not see them til spring. They love getting cozy in straw. 

The sheep were excited to see me, or the food tonight. One of them about knocked me over. They are hilarious. 

Willow is officially on Noma’s nerves. She is trying to wean and just like Mattie, Willow does not want to. Noma has been laying down to get Willow to leave her alone. 

Willow is also like a little sister no one wanted. She cracks me up trying to be friends with the horses. 

During the storm, Tinkerbelle and Cinderella’s sun shade came down. They were excited I put it back up. 

Word of the day is funny. Job 8:21

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