Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 20

It was a beautiful morning and the horses were enjoying their hay. I love seeing that. 

When I got home, I was over feeding the chickens in the coop and Willow wondered over and wondered why I was on the other side of the fence. I had to laugh at her. She is so cute. 

Hercules is stealing the chicken feed daily now. It’s funny to watch him. 

The donkeys are loving being out in the pasture. It warms my heart every time I see them out there. I always think of how their fate could have been so different. It amazes me how well they are doing. 

The pigs are so happy. I am so grateful we separated them and they are doing so well. 

All the animals are doing well and they all seem happy. I cannot complain and they certainly are not complaining. 

Jasper has been getting his antibiotics. He seems better. I don’t know what else to do for him. He still has his knots. 

Word of the day is happiness. Psalm 144:15

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