Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 8

Oh it’s the day before the walk and I’m on edge. I’m still getting cancellations and I’m stressed. I have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow but I know I need to chill out. I just want this to go well. The animals help calm my anxiety. 

Ronnie put out a new bale of hay for the horses and they were excited about it. They needed it. 

All the animals are doing well despite the heat. It is still hot, but next week is looking like things are cooling off. 
Jasper still has a lump on his neck. I attempted to give him an antibiotic shot and I just could not do it. I don’t know why I hesitate. I almost got him one time, but I didn’t get the needle in far enough and he ran away. I will try again. 

The horses were fighting over hay for some reason. Takua ended up with a bloody nose. How does that even happen? The joys of farm life. 

I saw Maggie running this evening. I could not believe it. She was running. 

My friends did get here from Arkansas to help set up tonight. I’m so glad. We are set up and ready to go. 
Word of the day is stress. Psalm 138:8

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