Monday, September 4, 2023

August 31

When I went out this morning, all the horses were looking at something. I never did figure out what it was. 

Onyx and Athena were on top of the hay bales this morning. That always cracks me up. 

I saw Lester tonight. He is looking good. He has healed up well from his last fight. 

I watched the donkeys and goats in the pasture. It always make me feel so much gratitude watching them. They are happy and healthy. They could have had such a different fate, but they are here and loved. 

The chickens were eating with the sheep today. I spilled a little and they ate it up. 

Takua is looking so much better. He is moving in a positive direction with his weight. That makes me so grateful. 

Willow loves Ronnie. She always walks over and demands his attention. 

Chloe is acting weird. She is staying out in the horse pasture lately. I have no idea why. She is out there alone. It’s just weird. 
Mattie looks like he has lipstick on when he is eating. I noticed that not too long ago. It cracks me up. 

Chief’s eye is still looking better. I have been praying. The prayers have been working. 

We have so many roosters again. I have no idea what we are going to do. They need a new home. 

Word of the day is positivity. John 15:11

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