Friday, September 29, 2023

September 27

I was making coffee and looking out the window. I watched one of the young roosters eating the leftover dog food. 

I saw Fred with his ladies today. He is such a good rooster protecting his ladies. 

Well, one of the sheep got out tonight. I have no idea what he was thinking. The fencing has always been the same, but he figured out how to get under it. He went right back in with some feed, but now he knows how to get out. 

I haven’t seen Yeller in a couple of days. I hope he is okay. The rest of the cats were home. 

While we were putting hay bales out, the dogs figured out how to get out of the backyard and were waiting on the back steps for us. Pepper could not get up on her own so when I saw her, I went over and got her up. She was able to get back to the back steps. I just hate it. 

The animals were happy about the new hay bales. They usually are though. 

It was a beautiful evening. 

Today was a rough day today. I have not had a day like that ever. I was glad Ursula was wanting to cuddle with me. 

Word of the day is rough. Psalm 9:9

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