Monday, September 4, 2023

August 30

The dogs ran out of the house and Bella started chasing the chickens. Daisy started to, but stopped for some reason. 

The cats were hanging out in the shade in the front of the house. They take advantage of those cooler spots. 

Willow is loving trying to aggravate Mattie. Mattie is not taking the bait though and is good at ignoring her. 

The dogs are all hanging in there. Pepper and Maggie are still not feeling well but they are up and around. 

I filled up the dogs water. Daisy has to be halfway in the water bowl to drink it. It’s so funny. 

When I took Mattie some hay, I dropped Willow some and she finally found it and did not have to share it. 

Jasper is still not acting right. He is breathing funny and he is taking longer to eat. He also has more saliva coming out. I don’t know what the problem is, but there is one. 

I saw an interesting sight. There was a small wild bird drinking from the chickens water. I did not even scare it until I went into the coop. 

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella are still doing well. I saw them eating together tonight. They have a cute relationship. 
Tinkerbelle cares for Cinderella like she is her kid. 

The sheep are so fun to watch. They were jumping up on the gate wanting food. Those two are a highlight on the farm with big personalities. 

The little goats are still so bonded. They are doing so well here. They are so loved. 

Noma has been eating the cow feed with Jasper. Jasper is not eating as fast, so her and Willow help him out. Since Noma and Willow are taking his food, he decides to go take theirs. Then when Alex gets finished with his food, he bullies Jasper and takes the rest of the donkey food. 

Willow showed a playful side and was playing with Noma tonight. It was fun to watch them playing. Noma needs a break. I can’t wait for Mattie to get out of the pen so he can play with Willow. 

Takua has been really skinny this summer, but he is starting to put on weight. I’m so grateful. 

The pigs were last to eat and they were not patiently waiting. I find that funny. They did get their feed though and they were fine. 

Willow was trying to play with the pigs today. She has been trying lately, but they won’t give her any attention. 

Willow is making friends through the fence with the donkeys. They were all watching the horses eat. They were interested in those horses. Well, probably not the horses, but the feed. 

Noma does this thing where she almost lays flat. She terrifies me doing that. 

I watched the goats tonight going across the pasture without the donkeys. They do not do that too often. They usually stay close to the barn or the donkeys. I wonder where they were going. 

I noticed the cats in the tall weeds. I don’t normally see them in there. I wanted to see what they were doing. Well, they were chasing a baby ground squirrel. The baby tried to hide between my feet. I moved and it went running. Onyx chased it into the pasture and then back and then out in the pasture, around the tree. By the time onyx caught the squirrel they were both tired. Onyx gave up and the squirrel got away. Thank goodness. 

The horses finished their hay bale and when they got finished with their feed, they were looking at me like where’s the hay?? They looked pitiful. Ronnie came home late, so we were not able to put another bale out. 

There was also a full moon out tonight. It was bright and beautiful. 

Word of the day is diligent. 1 Timothy 4:15

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