Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 24

I saw a cute little hummingbird in the window. I was able to get a good picture of the little bird. 

Willow got half the halter off. She just was not having it. I don’t know how she did it, but the nose part was under her chin and she still had the loop wrapped around her ears. She was trying to hang out with the donkeys on the other side of the fence. 
I decided to try to take off the halter. I got it halfway off but she ran off before I could get it all the way off. I knew we had to get it off though with the way it was. 

Ronnie pulled out the treats and Noma went directly to him. I am not sure that has ever happened. He was giving her treats and Willow wasn’t sure about it so she kept pushing Noma in between her and I. Then the cows came up demanding treats and throwing those horns at me. During all the commotion, Ronnie was able to grab the halter and pull it off while Willow was distracted. I was in shock at how fast he was able to do that. 

After all that, I was able to give the pasture donkeys treats. I don’t normally give them too many because they fight and they did fight then also, but each one got 2 treats. I sure do love them but they need to chill. 

The cows also did get treats and so did Mattie. They all got some extra love. 

Poor Bubba, he was on the table and literally just fell off it. I don’t know what I am going to do with that crazy cat. I know he is declining. 

Verses on quickly. Psalm 70:5

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