Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 9

Let me tell you, the event went well. It was long, but it went well. We raised some money and we shared awareness for suicide. I had a lot of people cancel on me; vendors and volunteers. I know God places who needed to be there, but I was a little disappointed at first. People were not coming in like I thought it would. We did have people, but in my mind I thought there would be more. However, those who needed to be there were there. I am grateful to everyone who showed up. 

Things unfolded that were fantastic. A sweet little girl who has been to the farm several times made a bunch of stuff and donated all the money to Mattie’s Mountain. How amazing is that?! She worked so hard and did such a great job. She is such a little blessing.

We had 28 people who just came to walk. I was excited. The honor beads were given and we walked around the trail. It was amazing and I’m so grateful for the experience. We will do it again next year, but we will do it differently. 

Before the walk, my friends came out to see the animals. They seemed to enjoy their time out there. Willow followed them everywhere. She is such a sweet heart. 

I did feel really emotional after the walk, so I snuggled with a couple of cats. They did not appreciate it near as much as I did. 

Be the light for someone else through God’s love. 
Word of the day is light. Psalm 119:105

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