Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 30

Today has been a rough day for our Maggie. She has started having accidents. I know the end is coming and I’m heartbroken. I gave her a bath and loved on her this afternoon. I let her roam where she want to today outside. 

All the cats were home this evening. That never gets old for me. I love to see them all home and safe. 

It’s been a beautiful day. The dogs have been enjoying the lovely day. 

I hope we are wrong, but a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned Spots might be pregnant. The only time that could have happened is right after they got here. Ronnie said there was no way. Well, he mentioned yesterday he thought she might be pregnant. Oh gosh, here we go again. I guess we will see in the next couple of month. I hope we are both wrong. 

The pigs were all enjoying the cooler weather. They are just living life. 

I watched Maggie this evening. She was enjoying the wind on her face. She looked so peaceful.

Jeb was not slinging his food tonight. I wondered what was going on. Him and Chief were both unsettled while eating tonight. The only thing I could think of was the wind was bothering them. They would eat and then switch bowls and then go into the barn. They finally ate their food. 

The other animals were laying down in the wind relaxing. 

Word of the day is rough. Matthew 28:20

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