Monday, January 31, 2022

Still Stalking

I went to check on Edith and Marmalade this morning. They are both fine. Marmalade is sleeping in the doghouse and Edith is sleeping in the laying box. They are eating and drinking well. Edith is growing her feathers back and looking better. When I left the coop, guess who was stalking the coop. You guessed it, Geralt was outside the coop just taunting those hens. I swear, it’s like a bad movie around here. 


Gloria is the shop chicken. It looks like she got tired of eating cat food and decided to take a trip outside of the shop. She got a little chicken feed since none of the other chickens were out yet and then made sure she got back into the shop before I closed the doors. She did make it back fine. 


I went out to feed this morning and my two cows have become Houdini at this point. Both gates to their pen where we keep them at night we’re closed but the cows were out. As I went to investigate, somehow they were able to get the gate unlocked and then the gate was closed somehow. I never know what I’m going to see around here. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022


Oreo was sitting on the back of the couch tonight. I walked over and cuddled him on the couch. He normally hates that but tonight he stayed put and it was the first time I have heard him purr. Oreo has started after almost 2 years to like us and want attention. Sometimes it takes these animals a long time to decide they are in their own space and to decide they are safe. We have worked so hard with Oreo. Hard work pays off. 

Carlos and the Hay

I went out this morning and I see Carlos with his head completely in the hay bale. The animals eat from the middle first and it looks like they made a dent big enough for Carlos’ head. I had to do a double take to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. Never a dull moment around here for sure. I think everyone needs to come see this place and see how much fun it can be and all the laughs around here. 

Stare Down

I witnessed Squawk and Earl in a stare down. Earl looked scared. Squawk was trying to figure him out. They stood there staring at each other. Earl was too afraid to move. Squawk would move closer to him. I told Earl to come on and he moved toward me and Squawk jumped back quickly. I’m not sure if Squawk was afraid or what. It was funny though. 

George’s Spur

George was my favorite rooster. He was my favorite because he looked like he had been through some rough times. He was blind in one eye. When the winter weather hit last year, George was caught in the snow for a while during that time. At some point in the snow storm last year, he lost one of his spurs. I had no idea when or where he lost a spur. As I was getting the crates down from the shop to take the cats to the vet, I saw his lost spur. It was up in the roosting area where Gloria roosts now. It kinda made me sad to think about George. I had never seen him in that spot before. You just never know. As I looked at the spur, I was so glad he never went after me with those things. They are huge. 

This Terrifies Me

Noma has a bad habit of laying on the ground in a way that makes me want to panic. Seriously, she looks dead and it terrifies me. I usually start calling her name and she sits up or at least moves her ears so I can see that she is fine. If I walk over toward her, she jumps up fast. This poor old gal. She needs to lay a different way so she doesn’t terrify me so often. 

Hercules Has Moves

 After we moved the bale of hay into the pasture, Hercules starting head butting the bale. I don’t know why he was doing it. He did it for a long time. It was like he was beating up the hay bale. I wonder what the hay bale did to him. Or Hercules saw us moving the bale of hay by hand and maybe thought he could do it, too. Just kidding. I know that’s not the case. It was funny watching him though. 

Demanding Much?

I was out cleaning out the pig pen. I had the rake out and the trash bags. I was cleaning things out. Well, Gus has always been demanding with attention and this was no exception. He came over a sat down right on top of my trash bags. I started scratching him with the rake. He then laid down on top of the trash bags. He is demanding for sure. 

Hay Catastrophe

Ronnie went out to move another hay bale to the donkeys and it fell apart. Ronnie then was moving some of the loose hay over to the donkeys and goats. They were so excited about it. They could not wait to eat it. The hay stuff was a mess but not a big deal. The animals got most of the bale so it’s all good. 

Not Enough??

Cracker Jack acts like he is starving. He has a bale and a half of hay. It’s so weird. He has plenty to eat but he insists on trying to eat the little goats food. It is funny. There is nothing I can do about it. He is a funny little thing. I’m not sure why he isn’t eating the hay like I thought he would. I do see him and Noma eating the hay but I guess he does think that the hay is better across the fence. 

Stop Ned!!

As I went to check on the chickens, I saw a sight I was not prepared for. Ned was chasing Lucky like he was going to hurt him. Lucky was running for his life. I started yelling at Ned to stop. He finally looked at me and stopped chasing Lucky. He then looked at me with some devious look. Goodness. I know Ned does not like the goats. I wonder what Lucky did to set him off like that. I will be moving the goats soon. 

Checking On the Chickens

After I put Marmalade in the coop with Edith, I made sure to check on them often to make sure they were okay in there together. I didn’t need either of them to be picking on the other one and make things worse for them. They are having a rough enough time as it is. Every time I went to check, they seemed fine. Neither one of them knew how to act. Marmalade was even sitting in the food bowl at one point. They finally seemed to be doing fine. They ended up in the doghouse together. Marmalade started pecking on Edith and then she cuddled up to her. They seem fine. I’m hoping this was a good move. We will see. 

Hide and Seek

Edith really is a funny little chicken. She decided she would play hide and seek for a bit with me. She would be clicking behind the doghouse and then she would peek up and look and then drop her head back down and then do it again. You cannot tell me chickens don’t have personality because I see it every single day. Edith might be one of a kind, but she is loved. 

Marmalade and Edith

I did catch Marmalade and put her in the coop with Edith. She has been feeling off with slow movements and not acting herself. She has been staying in one spot. Part of it is staying away from the roosters. They have been rough on her also. I caught her and she went into the coop. I’m hoping if they are in there together they will be happier. We will see what happens. They seemed to be fine together. Let’s hope for a good outcome. 

What is Happening?

I got up to go feed and all the donkeys and a couple of chickens were gathered around the chicken coop where Edith is. I then look over in the coop wondering if something had happened to her, but she was up moving around which I do not see much. It was concerning there for a minute. I guess they might have been checking on her. I look over and see Noma laying on the ground, when I said her name she perked up but then I thought maybe the other donkeys were looking out for her. It was a weird morning, none of them were braying like they normally do. Just weird. 

My Wayward Pig

Treat is definitely a different pig. She no longer tries to escape and she is the sweetest thing. It took a long time to get us to this place. I cannot believe it has been almost 3 years since she came into my life. That seems unreal to me that we have had some of these animals for that long. They have definitely changed my life in ways I cannot even tell you. Cracker Jack may have been the first animal here and showed me my love for donkeys, but Treat gave us the wayward pig name. Treat is the the one that started my love for pigs. She has shown me things in myself I didn’t know I needed, such as patience. Treat was so sick when she came to live here. It has been a crazy ride. I’m grateful for it. I needed her and didn’t even know it. 


I am a little over the top with making sure the animals have what they need to be comfortable. That means lots of straw. That means lots of pine shavings. That means lots of work to make sure these animals are comfortable. I wouldn’t change it though. They deserve it, so we will continue to do it for them. Looks like next week they are going to need it with bad weather coming in. I pray it’s not as bad as last February. That was a nightmare. 

Concerned About Russ

If you have read these long enough, you will know, I watch these animals like a hawk trying to make sure there are no signs of illness or injury. I like to make sure they are taken care of. That’s why they are here, to have the best life possible. The other night when Russ and Patsy were having a quarrel, I noticed Russ was acting different. I made sure he was eating the next morning and he was. He still was not wagging his tail like he normally does which was a flag for me to continue to watch him. I watched at the next meal time and again he was eating. He had started wagging his tail again. I watched long enough to make sure he did his business after eating. He seems fine. I’m glad. 

Donkeys and pigs

The donkeys like to visit the pigs. Normally it’s at feeding time but regardless. The pigs like to have the attention. However, Pete would have stomped Brutus if he could have gotten to him as I was watching them. I’m grateful there was a fence in between them. Animals are something else. You just never know what they are going to do. 

A Buddy

I know I have been talking about Edith and the chickens a lot this month. The chickens are doing a lot of stuff these days. As I have been watching Edith so much lately, I just feel bad for her. She looks so sad and depressed. I really think she needs a buddy. Just another hen in there with her that will give her some company. I know Marmalade has been hiding from the roosters also and has not been feeling too well. She would be my choice to put in there with Edith. Both of them have lived here longer than I have. I will work on that. 


I thought I would be funny the other day while I was out and about with the animals. That lonely little chicken does not have a name. If I’m being honest, several do not have names since I cannot tell them apart. It’s sad, I know. While I was watching that chick with cows, I started calling the name Fred. He looked over at me like I had lost my mind, but whether he is in fact a he or if he turns out to be a she, the name will be Fred. 


After Edith was grabbed by the neck through the fence, she just sat there traumatized. I picked her up to cuddle her to try to get her calmed down. She was unimpressed by that. She pecked me good. Once she realized I was not trying to harm her she relaxed. This poor chicken was trembling with fear. I did notice while holding her, her feathers are coming back in nicely. I’m so glad about that. She is healing. She is starting to eat more and I have seen her drinking. She no longer has diarrhea either. It does look like she is on the mend. 

Something out of a horror movie

I am telling you, this thing with Edith going on is like something out of a horror movie. The roosters are practically hunting her and stalking her. I don’t blame her for being afraid. It’s kinda scary to watch. I went out to give her food and water and she did her whole screaming thing and then laying down and one of the roosters actually grabbed her by the neck through the fencing. I could not believe what I was seeing. It’s distributing to say the least. She has been staying in the doghouse away from the fencing or up in the laying boxes away from where the roosters can see her. I seriously may need to rehome some roosters. I don’t want to do that but if these young ones are going to start killing off my older hens, I will have to do something. Edith is protected right now. Until she gains some weigh back and her feathers back, she will stay in the coop. She sure doesn’t act like she wants out of there anyway. Breaks my heart. 

Vet Visit

I took Persia and Bubba to the vet. Neither of them enjoyed that. Persia was practically wrapped up in a ball of fear the entire ride there and most of the visit there. Bubba meowed and cried the whole time. Bubba was so good to Persia while we were in the vet office. He would try to comfort her by being near her and giving her cuddles. It was a sweet thing to see. Persia is fine, clean bill of health. Bubba on the other hand is not. The vet and the tech were incredible with both of them. Bubba was unable to urinate for the vet even with her manually working his bladder. His bladder was harder than it should have been. He also has a significant heart problem, but I was aware of that already. He is also very overweight, but I knew that also. He weighed over 16 pounds.  She went ahead and gave him an antibiotic which I am grateful for. This is probably going to be a continued ongoing problem because of his age but hopefully if we stay on top of it, it won’t get as bad. We have done everything right for him, so we will continue to work with Bubba and so what we can for him. 

Saturday, January 29, 2022

What a Sight

I had to get the cats to the vet, so I came home early. I went in the house, let the dogs out. Daisy ran to the fence, Red was right on the other side of the fence. I have to be honest, I was glad there was a fence between Daisy and Red. Red started stomping and braying loudly. He did not appreciate Daisy getting so close to him. It was quite a sight to see. 

Fast Cat

Peanut Butter has been getting out of the shop more. It’s a good thing. I’m glad he is getting out and about. The other day I was walking back from being out by the pigs. I saw Peanut Butter sitting under the tractor. As I went through the gate, Peanut Butter ran out past me and almost ran right into a chicken. When she saw what he was about to run into, I have never seen a cat run that fast away from something. It was hilarious. Peanut Butter is scared of a lot of things but he is definitely afraid of the chickens. 

Fighting Over the Same Spot

As I was out giving belly rubs to Darla and Brutus, I saw quite the sight. Russ was trying to make himself a nest of straw. He was making it perfect so he could sleep there. Patsy, the smallest pig we have was challenging Russ for that spot. There was clicking of teeth and everything. Russ ended up walking away. Russ is huge compared to Patsy. He did eventually come back and they ended up in that spot together. I’m not sure for how long but they were there together in that spot but they were for a few minutes. 

Belly rubs

I crawled in one of the pig shelters the other night. Darla was desperate for my attention for some reason. She kept rubbing her nose on me and trying to knock me over. I figured I would go in the shelter and give her some belly rubs. I went in there because I was cold and it’s warmer in there. I sat down and Darla almost sat on top of me. She was close to me. Maybe she was cold. I don’t know. But she did get lots of attention and belly rubs. Brutus also got some love and belly rubs. Gus, Treat, and Spam were in the other shelter, so they were not fighting for my attention. It was nice to spend time with the other pigs. And learning it’s so much warmer in the shelters has made me feel better. So a win win night for me and the pigs. 

Newness Worn Off

I guess the newness of the hay had worn off. The donkeys were grazing more out in the pasture. Cracker Jack was trying to steal the small goats alfalfa. The horses were grazing more. And the cows were mooing for hay after they got feed. It’s almost as if they don’t even have hay out there. I think it’s funny. They know what they want. They will have to finish what they have before they get more. They do still eat it though. 

Scared Edith

This whole Edith thing was making me crazy. I have never seen an animal so scared. The roosters were all standing close to the coop the other day. Edith was running around the coop squawking. I’m not sure if she thought they could get in to get her or what. She starts squawking and then she would lay down. Then she would run around again trying to get somewhere they couldn’t see her. I walked in to give her food and water and she went nuts. She ran around and was flying around. I feel so bad for her but the roosters cannot get to her. 

No Escape??

I had not been latching the gate on the chicken coop where Edith was. I did not want to feel like I trapped her and weird as that is to say. She needed to be in the coop. Her whole back was missing feathers and she was skinnier than I have ever seen her. She also had some weird diarrhea. Too much information I know. I came home from work one evening and the door to the coop was opened and the goats were in there. Where was Edith? She was sitting up on the laying boxes. She did not try to get out. It looked like she was liking being protected in the coop. She has her own food and her own water and her feathers were starting to grow back. I got the goats out and locked the gate for Edith this time. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon and ready to get out of there. 

I Just Can’t Even

We are having a problem around here with the inside cats urinating where they are not supposed to. It’s so frustrating. At least they are doing it in areas I can clean up well and we found some amazing cleaner to get it all cleaned up. No, it’s not something I really want to discuss but this is life with animals. Normally when this happens, it’s Bubba that has a problem. Ronnie thought it was Persia this time marking territory from Oreo. Oreo has been here almost 2 years so I didn’t think that was the case. You never know though. Persia and Bubba are both 12 years old so I know it’s one of them. I threw away all the litter boxes and got new ones. I made a vet appointment so we will see what’s going on and which one it is. I’m taking Persia and Bubba. They are going to hate me. 

Knows It’s Time

Peanut Butter knows when it is time to get attention and to be fed. He has started taking his paws and moving the doors back and forth when it is time to eat. He is a smart but demanding little thing. I’m always happy to give him what he wants. He does it in the morning and the afternoon these days. He knows when it’s time. He is a little smarty pants. 

Crime Scene

I was looking for eggs and walked up on an area that could have looked like a chicken crime scene. There were feathers everywhere. There was no evidence a chicken had been hurt but the amount of feathers was crazy. I ran around counting chickens and they were all accounted for. I realized a little while later that they had been laying eggs around in the area and that was what was going on. I swear, never a dull moment here.