Saturday, January 29, 2022

No Escape??

I had not been latching the gate on the chicken coop where Edith was. I did not want to feel like I trapped her and weird as that is to say. She needed to be in the coop. Her whole back was missing feathers and she was skinnier than I have ever seen her. She also had some weird diarrhea. Too much information I know. I came home from work one evening and the door to the coop was opened and the goats were in there. Where was Edith? She was sitting up on the laying boxes. She did not try to get out. It looked like she was liking being protected in the coop. She has her own food and her own water and her feathers were starting to grow back. I got the goats out and locked the gate for Edith this time. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon and ready to get out of there. 

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