Sunday, January 30, 2022

My Wayward Pig

Treat is definitely a different pig. She no longer tries to escape and she is the sweetest thing. It took a long time to get us to this place. I cannot believe it has been almost 3 years since she came into my life. That seems unreal to me that we have had some of these animals for that long. They have definitely changed my life in ways I cannot even tell you. Cracker Jack may have been the first animal here and showed me my love for donkeys, but Treat gave us the wayward pig name. Treat is the the one that started my love for pigs. She has shown me things in myself I didn’t know I needed, such as patience. Treat was so sick when she came to live here. It has been a crazy ride. I’m grateful for it. I needed her and didn’t even know it. 

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