Sunday, January 16, 2022

What Was I Seeing??

One morning I was getting ready for work. I was running late as usual. That’s not a new thing. Mornings are not my strong time of the day. As I was going out to start my car, I looked out the window for some reason. Not something I feel like I normally do. I noticed something in the tree across the street. Way up in the tree. I feel like my heart may have stopped for a minute. That might be dramatic, but my heart dropped in my stomach. I ran to the end of the driveway. My thought was confirmed. It was Earl. I go across the street and tell him to come down from there. Well, you know he didn’t. He was meowing at me. It was almost a help me, I’m stuck sound. I couldn’t get over that barbed wire fence and up the tree if someone paid me. Ronnie was already gone for the day. I wasn’t sure what to do. I couldn’t get him down and I was going to be really late if I didn’t leave. So, as much as I didn’t want to leave in that moment, I had to. I looked at Earl and said, you better be down and home when I get home. He was starting to come down from the tree before I left. I worried about that cat all day long. I got home a little later than I wanted to, but that couldn’t be helped. As I was coming around the corner, I checked the tree and he was not there. I go around the corner and there sits Earl waiting for me like I had asked. That car has me worried and it looked like I worried yet again for nothing. Earl was fine. 

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