Saturday, January 22, 2022


I have sat down several times in the last few months to try to fill out the paperwork on the nonprofit. I finally decided to hire it done. Every time I looked at all the paperwork to fill out, I got overwhelmed. I know I could have done it. I did get a lot of it completed but knowing the laws and knowing what goes first and this and that, I found a company to do it. Now I’m just waiting. It should be finished any day now. I’m excited about all the things we are going to do. I have plans and I’m ready to see them through. I may have mentioned this before but I am going to mention it again. I have a friend that comes out here from time to time and she asked me about the nonprofit one time. She asked what was holding it up. She said it was so peaceful out here and it could really help people. My answer was I was being selfish at the moment because I needed some peace first. That was the truth. Now I’m ready. 

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