Saturday, January 22, 2022

Oh Pete

Pete is still nervous about us. He has difficulty with letting us love him. He is so nervous. We have had him for over a year now and we are still working on it. He is good with the other donkeys. He seems to love life. He is scared of us. I do not think that donkey was ever been handled before we got him and we have been trying, but progress is slow. Pete is trying more and more. He comes to the fence with the other donkeys. I pet each of them and when it gets to Pete’s turn, he tries to stand there. He will smell my hand and I can touch him for a second, but that is it. As I was by the fence one night, I put my face down to get close to him and he stuck his face to mine. It was only for a second, but that’s progress!! That excites me. 

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