Sunday, January 16, 2022

Oh Jelly No

I really thought the cat I was seeing would have been Jelly before I obviously saw it was Earl.  I had not seen Jelly in at least a day. I had no idea where he was. I wasn’t concerned yet with Jelly but I was getting there. When I got home, Jelly still was not home, so I started to get worried. He likes to go to the back of the property but I don’t know where. I was hoping he would come home. So, I started hollering his name like I do when one of the cats takes off for a day or so. Right before I went inside for the night, I heard meowing by the pig pen. I look over and there was Jelly running toward me. I was so happy to see him. I always am happy to see him, but these moments are the best. 

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