Monday, January 17, 2022

Cracker Jack

I came home last week and Cracker Jack was acting weird. He was standing across the pasture with his behind to me as I called his name. I learned years ago that he does that when he is mad. I asked Ronnie if Cracker Jack had eaten and he said he had. Normal days, Cracker Jack will bray and not stop until he gets some hay. He was not braying. I then noticed a few minutes later he was laying down. Cracker Jack does not lay down often. I went over and sat next to him and he got up. I petted him and loved on him hoping I could figure it out. He walked over toward the hay and stood there. Then he held up a leg. I thought, okay, his leg is bothering him. Then he started spitting stuff. Then I thought, his teeth are bothering him. It turns out, Ronnie had changed his feed. We changed it back and he is much better. Ronnie had a conversation with Cracker Jack that night. It went something like this: You are the reason this whole thing started so nothing can happen to you. Cracker Jack just looked at him. I’m glad Cracker Jack is feeling better. 

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