Saturday, January 22, 2022

Attention for Pedro

Oh that Pedro is something. When he wants attention, he will find a way to get it. I was standing up against the fence for whatever reason. Pedro was behind me and I was definitely not paying attention. For the record, I normally pay attention to everything around me since you just never know what can happen. On this day, I was not paying attention to my backside, I was focused on what was in front of me. If my memory is correct, it was when Cracker Jack was not feeling well and I was looking him over. So, Ronnie was standing in front of my watching my back, hahaha. I knew the four donkeys were back there. I knew they were close. Pedro is my donkey. He loves me and he wants my attention. Ronnie says watch out and I turn my head and see Pedro about to take a bite from my shoulder. Now, I do not think he really would have taken a bite but who knows. He never has before. I then gave him my full attention and he was good. That donkey is a character. He might need to learn a little patience. I have not neglected him and will not start now. 

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