Sunday, January 30, 2022

Something out of a horror movie

I am telling you, this thing with Edith going on is like something out of a horror movie. The roosters are practically hunting her and stalking her. I don’t blame her for being afraid. It’s kinda scary to watch. I went out to give her food and water and she did her whole screaming thing and then laying down and one of the roosters actually grabbed her by the neck through the fencing. I could not believe what I was seeing. It’s distributing to say the least. She has been staying in the doghouse away from the fencing or up in the laying boxes away from where the roosters can see her. I seriously may need to rehome some roosters. I don’t want to do that but if these young ones are going to start killing off my older hens, I will have to do something. Edith is protected right now. Until she gains some weigh back and her feathers back, she will stay in the coop. She sure doesn’t act like she wants out of there anyway. Breaks my heart. 

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