Saturday, January 15, 2022


I thought I would be smart. While Noma was eating, I thought I would stand beside her and gently try to pet her. I did pet her a few times and she hated it. She turned toward me like she was going to kick me. It was quick. I couldn’t believe it. She is much faster when she wants to be. Now we have an understanding, if she lets me walk by her without kicking me, I won’t try to pet her. This poor girl. If you could see her. I know she hurts. I know she has to. If she would just realize we aren’t going to hurt her. We just need to get her a halter on so we can get her feet fixed. She has been here a little over a year. I just wish she would know that she is safe. This is the hard part on rescuing an animal. Ronnie and I have worked so hard to get her to trust us. It’s just not there yet. Trust is hard for us all, so I understand. People have let her down. Hopefully soon she will realize we love her and want to help her. 

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