Sunday, January 30, 2022

Vet Visit

I took Persia and Bubba to the vet. Neither of them enjoyed that. Persia was practically wrapped up in a ball of fear the entire ride there and most of the visit there. Bubba meowed and cried the whole time. Bubba was so good to Persia while we were in the vet office. He would try to comfort her by being near her and giving her cuddles. It was a sweet thing to see. Persia is fine, clean bill of health. Bubba on the other hand is not. The vet and the tech were incredible with both of them. Bubba was unable to urinate for the vet even with her manually working his bladder. His bladder was harder than it should have been. He also has a significant heart problem, but I was aware of that already. He is also very overweight, but I knew that also. He weighed over 16 pounds.  She went ahead and gave him an antibiotic which I am grateful for. This is probably going to be a continued ongoing problem because of his age but hopefully if we stay on top of it, it won’t get as bad. We have done everything right for him, so we will continue to work with Bubba and so what we can for him. 

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