Saturday, January 29, 2022

I Just Can’t Even

We are having a problem around here with the inside cats urinating where they are not supposed to. It’s so frustrating. At least they are doing it in areas I can clean up well and we found some amazing cleaner to get it all cleaned up. No, it’s not something I really want to discuss but this is life with animals. Normally when this happens, it’s Bubba that has a problem. Ronnie thought it was Persia this time marking territory from Oreo. Oreo has been here almost 2 years so I didn’t think that was the case. You never know though. Persia and Bubba are both 12 years old so I know it’s one of them. I threw away all the litter boxes and got new ones. I made a vet appointment so we will see what’s going on and which one it is. I’m taking Persia and Bubba. They are going to hate me. 

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