Saturday, January 29, 2022

An Education

As I was on the phone with my Gramma, we were discussing the animals and some of the things going on. The main thing we were going on about were the chickens. Those chickens are sure a topic of conversation. I had no idea the things you could discuss on chickens but there is a lot. Edith is going through a lot right now and in hopes you get my drift without me spelling it out, I’m hiding her from the roosters, still. They have found her after a few days in the coop. She becomes terrified. Geralt jumped up onto the top of the coop trying to get in as she started squawking and hid in one of the laying boxes. It’s like an episode of some crime show. It’s sad really. As my Gramma and I were discussing some of this she stops and says, well you are getting an education. I had to laugh. Yes, Gramma, I definitely am. 

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